Saturday, August 27, 2011

Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhuse Five and Cat's cradle

First, check this link out. I only read Slaugherhourse Five because I could get it for free on my Nook. The really embarrassing thing is that I absolutely abhorred Kurt Vonnegut as a teenager, I thought that he is really childish. I nearly left Maja for this! Haha, now I think he is really fun to read. Not a superintellectual, but his sarcastical writing style really gets under your skin. I've read two books and they really read as one large piece of work, similar themes, similar characters, some characters (the scifi writer) and places (Illium) just carry from book to book. Even phrases are being repeated by difference characters in different books (e.g. "I could carve a better man out of banana"). All in all addicitive fun reading in short pieces that you can read in a couple of train rides to work. When some time passes, I plan to top it off with Breakfast of the Champions.

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