Druga knjiga od sosekija, ki sem jo prebral. Precej slabša od Koprnenja; vidi se, da je bila knjiga brez plana, napisana v nadaljevanjih za časopis in ko mu zmanjka idej za pisanje, mačko preprosto utopi. Predvsem pa, maček v resnici ni nič kaj dosti podoben mačku.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Natsume Soseki: Koprnenje
Izokov prevod, super knjiga.
Seneca: On the Shortness of Life
"On the Shortness of Life," "The Consolation of Helvetia," and "On Tranquility of Mind."
"On the Shortness of Life," "The Consolation of Helvetia," and "On Tranquility of Mind."
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Don DeLillo: The Angel Esmeralda
Nine short stories from Don DeLillo.
Creation", Antaeus, Spring 1979
"Human Moments in World War III", Esquire, July 1983
"The Runner", Harper's, September 1988
"The Ivory Acrobat", Granta, Autumn 1988
"The Angel Esmeralda", Esquire, May 1994
"Baader-Meinhof", The New Yorker, April 1st 2002
"Midnight in Dostoevsky", The New Yorker, November 30th 2009
"Hammer and Sickle", Harper's, December 2010
"The Starveling", Granta, Autumn 2011
This was my first book by this guy. They were all quite good, short indeed. Fascinating to see transition from youthful playfullness to total gloom towards the end. The Angel Esmeralda and Hammer and Sickle were my favourites.
This was my first book by this guy. They were all quite good, short indeed. Fascinating to see transition from youthful playfullness to total gloom towards the end. The Angel Esmeralda and Hammer and Sickle were my favourites.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Marcel Proust: V svetu Guermantskih
Zmaga! Uspešno sem prebral še dve knjigi tretjtega dela Proustove epopeje, 650 strani majhnega tiska. S temi knjigami imamo nekakšen čuden odnošaj. Po eni strani sovražim glavni karakter, ki je v resnici razvajen bogatun, po drugi strani me pa knjige vseeno nekako privlečejo. Celo knjigo se v resnici zelo malo zgodi. Junakova babica umre, junak se zaljubi v gospo Guermantsko, junak nekako uspe priti v stik z gospo Guermatnsko, gospa Guermantska ni nič posebnega. Stotine strani gre v eno samo večerjo pri Guermantski. Povsem najeden sem tega špasa v tem trenutku, naprej čez nekaj let: Sodoma in Gomora! To bodo še porkarije...
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