Monday, December 3, 2007

Koshihikari Echigo Beer

A typical Japanese lager, a bit like Asahi. According to wikipedia, Japanese got their beer with Dutch sailors in 18th or 19th century. Since then they have been brewing these silky lagers. Nothing to be really proud of, but goes well with some fusion noodles!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

St Peter's Old-Style Porter

After really not liking them for a couple of years, I have recently fallen in love with porters. Not sure why, maybe because they are 19th century London invention and I love this the era, maybe because all microbreweries in the states are trying hard on them or maybe I just wanted a change from overly hopped IPA's. Either way, this is actually a British recreation of old-style porter. The back says: "This beer is blend of old mature ale and a younger light beer just like true porter should be." Fair enough, always new things to learn. Incidentally I also learned that stout it is really just a short for stout porter - a really strong porter. Dublin, I am coming...