Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Orval Trappist Ale

I have never drank anything like that. Tasted as if some port was poured into the brew. Very bitter. A truly acquired taste. Hated it to start with and then it slowly became more and more tanglible. "Semi-wild Brettanomyces yeasts give the beer a distinct subtle body and a refreshing tartness as an after effect. It is suitable for genuine connoisseurs and experts." says one website.
I fully agree. I also admit that I am not quite the expert yet...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Marin Brewing: Hoppy Holidaze

The name is just terrible. Infinitely terrible. The beer is actually a flavoured ale, a drink very much popular in the states. All in all it is an ale with plenty of hop (Sterling and Styrian Golding varieties) and spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, orange peel and pure vanilla extract. It is effectively a beer equivalent of mould wine. Stuff to drink on Christmas. Nice, but maybe a bit over the top...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Farmhouse: oasthouse IPA

IPA stands for Indian Pale Ale, a beer designed by British to survive the scorching climate of India so that they could enjoy ale even while there. Americans have created their unique version of it which has nothing to do with India. Oasthouse's IPA is a typical example, a much stronger beer compared to British IPA with much more flavour, lots of hops and stronger colour. And the label design just clicks. A good beer to finish off the weekend!