Friday, June 29, 2007

Special Flagøl

Ordered "Special Flagøl" in a Danish restaurant. Got a dark, drinkable beer on tap. Can't really tell anything else...

Friday, June 22, 2007


My everlasting crusade to save money made me travel from Oxford to Paris by bus. It was one of the more idiotic ideas of mine. At 3 am, after boarding a ferry at Dover and after talking to immigrants for 2 hours while waiting for the ferry (which was good fun, actually), I had a half-pint of Boddies. This is a famous cheapo British bitter that I used to drink with Alan in Locomotive, a den full of fighty locals on Mill Road in Cambridge. It immediately brought back memories and is a beer perfect for such occasions, bitter, creamy, dense with no subtleties whatsoever. I never realised quite how much I like it!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fuller's Summer Ale

There are one billion beers called Summer Ale. This is Fuller's version; had two pints in Royal Oak while discussing who might get the latest physics appointment in Oxford (Joanna Dunkley did!). Light, easy beer perfect for musing over job market...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ale Fresco

by Greene King. This is a terrible, terrible pun. Beer is not much either...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Abbot Ale

Today I went to the James Street Tavern to watch England vs Brazil. I had a pint of Abbot and you know what: it tasted so bad that I reverted to Fosters Extra Cold after it. Can you imagine? Was I just so drunk, was the beer off (didn't taste like it), or is Abbot, the Greene's King flagship beer, really a bit shit? Need to try again in a more sober state!